Round 2: Drag Trippin'
Telia PlayserierDrag DenSesong 1Round 2: Drag Trippin'

Drag Den

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  • Episode 2: Round 2: Drag Trippin'

Happiness fills the halls of drag den as all eight queens continue their journey to rise to the top without fear of being eliminated.

Om serien: The den is finally open! The “Drag Lord” Manila Luzon, together with her “drag dealer” Nicole Cordovez, and “drag runner” Sassa Gurl welcome the eight aspiring queens as they embark on an eight-week dragventurous competition showcasing their wit, talent and beauty to become the first Pinoy drag supreme.

Aries Night, Barbie-Q, Felix Petate, Lyg Carillo, Manila Luzon, Naia Black, Odasha Flop, Pura Luka Vega, Shewarma Rise, Vinzon Booc
Rod Singh
Reality, TV spill
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